What Is The Impact of PTSD Caused By Emotional Trauma?
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Any type of trauma can leave a negative mark on you. While some individuals can return to a state of normal functioning, many individuals can develop other signs, symptoms, and mental health issues as a result of the trauma that occurred.
PTSD is just one of the many different types of disorders that can occur after someone experiences something like an emotional trauma. No matter the exact cause of the trauma, any type of unresolved trauma can lead to worsening signs and symptoms.
Let’s learn more about the impact of PTSD caused by emotional trauma.
What is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that acts as a response to a negative life event or experience. When a traumatic event occurs, the body goes into fight or flight mode as a way to protect itself from any perceived threats. After some time, the body will return to a state of normal functioning. PTSD occurs when the body stays in a heightened state because the brain and body are unable to recognize if the threat has passed. Signs and symptoms of PTSD include anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares just to name a few.
What is Emotional Trauma
Similar to post-traumatic stress disorder, emotional trauma is also a type of response to a stressful event. Emotional trauma is a type of trauma that can occur unexpectedly and out of nowhere. Some of the most common types of emotionally traumatic events are a car accident, the sudden loss of a loved one, a natural disaster, a physical or sexual assault, or a mass shooting.
The Impact of PTSD from Emotional Trauma
Individuals who experience emotional trauma are likely to develop other signs and symptoms that align with that of PTSD. Let’s learn more bout the impact of PTSD from an emotional trauma.
Anxiety is a common and normal human emotion that almost everyone will experience at least once in their lifetime. While normal feelings of anxiety that pass over time are completely normal, anxiety that tends to linger with no hope of going away any time soon can be a big sign that there’s a larger issue at play. Individuals who experience emotional trauma and PTSD often deal with anxiety that can be debilitating and have a negative impact on their daily life, routine, and functioning. Having high levels of anxiety in the body and brain can lead to other serious health issues if left untreated. Heart disease and autoimmune disorders are just a few of the many different health conditions that can form.
Behavioral Changes
It can be difficult to cope with the traumatic memories, thoughts, and feelings of a trauma. People try to bury any reminder of the trauma deep, down inside themselves. If and when that doesn’t work, they may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like binging or restricting their food, having unsafe sex, drugs, or alcohol. Unhealthy coping mechanisms only act as a short-term solution to the problem. These types of behaviors can lead to a negative cycle as well as worsening signs and symptoms.
Flashbacks or Nightmares
Disrupted sleep is common in individuals who experienced a traumatic event. Flashbacks and nightmares can act as constant reminders of the trauma that took place. These scenarios can make it feel like the trauma is happening again even if it occurred months or years in the past.
Next Steps
Both emotional trauma and PTSD are serious mental health conditions. When the two are experienced at the same time, it can lead to a cycle of worsening signs and symptoms. One of the best and strongest things you can do for yourself is to reach out for additional support. You are not defined by your trauma. We’re here to help you heal. Reach out today to set up a consultation for trauma therapy.